Monday, June 25, 2007

Greater Seattle Chapter Summer Update

With the start of summer, the Greater Seattle Chapter of ARMA, International would like give you an update of some important items going on during the summer.

AIIM Northwest will host their final meeting on June 28, from 4:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. at the Swedish Club (1920 Dexter Ave N, Seattle WA). Topic will be ECM Regulatory Compliance Update and second program will be The Digital Mailroom. See the flyer at

Call for Presentations: 2008 Great Northwest Region Conference (April 7-9, 2008) Presentation proposals due by August 17, 2007. For more information and the guidelines see the Great Northwest Website:

Tri-Chapter Picnic July 15, 2007: The Bellevue Eastside, Greater Seattle and Puget Sound Chapters of ARMA, International will be hosting a summer picnic in Federal Way on July 15. This will be a great way to meet our fellow area ARMA members and their families. Stay tune for more details about this event and for specific location. You will see more details at or in your email box.

Volunteers: The Greater Seattle Chapter is looking for volunteers! If you are interested in leading the chapter in the future or would like sharpen your leadership skills ARMA is a great place to learn. We are seeking volunteers to assist a non-profit organization with records retention project; follow a board member program; membership recruitment event; program evaluation assistant. Contact the Greater Seattle Chapter for more details or to sign-up contact Andrea Bettger

Andrea Bettger
Director of Programs
June 25, 2007