Tuesday, January 22, 2013

GNW Region Message!

Building Blocks to Records Management Success

Building your skills and talents to be competitive in the workplace is an ongoing process. ARMA offers many online classes at no cost to the ARMA Member to develop new skills and further increase ones you already have. Are you interested in studying for the CRM? Do you need a study buddy or mentor? Please let me know directly if you do at strdau@yahoo.com. Check out the ICRM website for study materials, reading these items would increase your knowledge base even if you are not formally in the CRM program.

Have you reviewed the newest Professional Leadership Certificate Course. It is mostly multiple choice and can be completed quickly. If you are in a Chapter or Regional Leadership position, this is available to you at no cost.

Does all the information overwhelm you, almost like cascading paper piles? Start small. Choose one item and focus on it. Take an online class and put an action plan together to tackle it. Once you experience success, it will be easier to repeat - - and besides that - - it makes you feel terrific!

Save the date for the ARMA Annual Expo and Conference in "VIVA" Las Vegas, October 28 and 29, 2013! Amazing education and networking opportunities.

Peggy Simpson

GNW Region Director of Marketing/Membership

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Internship Opportunity in Hawaii

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Reefs National Wildlife Refuge Complex in Honolulu, Hawaii is currently undertaking a large records management/document digitization project and are seeking an intern for a six month position. Naomi Rowden writes,
"Our office has several rooms of files dating back decades, documenting the history, management, and research that has taken place for 22 National Wildlife Refuges and 4 Marine National Monuments throughout the Pacific. Our main goal is to sort through the files, removing any duplicates or junk, and organize according to the U.S. Department of Interior Records Disposition Schedule. We also have contracted to create an electronic database (using Sharepoint) that is nearly complete, along with a scanner and capture software (Kofax) and we plan to scan the majority of documents into the database. In addition, we will have a large amount of reference material and we'd like to organize a reference library."
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service offers airfare to and from Honolulu, Hawaii, a stipend of $30 per workday, and free housing at their guest house in Honolulu. If interested email your questions or resume to Naomi Rowden at naomi_rowden@fws.gov, or call (808) 792‐9565.

Wildlife, boxes of records, and Hawaii. What's not to love if you're looking for an opportunity.