Saturday, November 15, 2003


Today, the Greater Seattle Chapter of the Association of Records Managers and Administrators, begins this Web Log (Blog) as a way for its members to communicate with other members and with people interested in the subject matter areas about which records and information management professionals concern themselves.

Submissions for the Seattle ARMA Blog are welcomed from members of the Greater Seattle Chapter of ARMA at any time. They should be sent to the chapter president, Roger Winters, at A message will be posted to the Seattle Chapter's Blog as soon as we are able to review it and cut-and-paste it, using the functionality at Messages, to be posted, must be relevant to the mission of ARMA International and the activities and interests of the members of the Greater Seattle Chapter.

Messages must also add content; thus, no "I agree!" types of messages will be posted if that is all they contribute to the discussion, dialogue, and proceedings on this Blog. So long as messages are civil and on topic, we see no reason to censor, abridge, or manage them in any way.

While Blogs have been in existence for some time, few of us have much experience with them. We believe that a Blog for the Greater Seattle Chapter of ARMA will provide valuable information space for all of us to exchange ideas, questions, links to valuable resources, original writings, news, opinions, and other matters that might concern us as records and information management professionals. This Blog is an experiment that we hope will help invigorate our association by giving everyone a simple way to contribute and to learn about the chapter's business and activities.

If you are a reader of this Blog, we hope you will consider being a contributor. We trust you will choose to read only that which interests and engages you and skip the rest.

Writings attributed to a person belong to that person--they do not necessarily represent the views, policies, or opinions of ARMA International or of the Greater Seattle Chapter of ARMA.

Welcome to our chapter's Blog! We hope you will find it an exciting new way to communicate, contribute, and learn!

--The Greater Seattle Chapter of ARMA's Communications Committee: Susan Priebe, Roger Winters, Kristie Lundberg, Andrea Bettger, and Dawn Presler

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