Friday, July 30, 2004


The following request for help came to me as a referral through the ARMA organizational network. Specifically, Mr. Hunter, the writer sought help internally and someone knew enough about ARMA to make an inquiry with the Los Angeles chapter. Recognizing that the original request came from someone in Seattle, the Los Angeles chapter president forwarded it to me. I invited Mr. Hunter to prepare his request for posting on our BLOG. If you can help him, please do respond to him directly at We hope Mr. Hunter will not only find the help he seeks, but will realize the value of ARMA as a source for information and networking amont records and information management professionals and, then, that he might join our association.

Do you get inquiries you can't answer personally, but that a posting on the BLOG might help address? Forward such items to me and we'll post them. This is yet another way ARMA can be of service within the community.

--Roger Winters, President


One of my assignments is off-site storage of archive records. I’m looking for a technique to link supplier rate increase requests to supplier-offered savings opportunities, a rational plan that puts them in the position of having to earn their increases. In other words, for every net dollar of increased cost they request in their rate structure, I want them to give me a net dollar of operational savings. Make sense?

We have allowed one fairly stingy rate hike over a five year period. Last year we dug in our heels and just stubbornly refused their rate increase. That got us 12 months worth of breathing room but it isn’t likely to work twice. We need something with legs, something that will continue to contain storage & service expense over time.

Anybody ever put a provision like this in place with any of your service suppliers, past or present?

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Jim Hunter
Safeco Corporate Procurement
Safeco Plaza, O-2

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