Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Message from the Great NW Region Manager

Sigh….the 2006-2007 ARMA year is nearly over. For chapter volunteers, that is a sigh of relief, I bet. For others, it may be a bit of regret that there will be a summer break between the June chapter educational meetings and next September’s meeting. Whatever the “sigh” may mean to you, I hope you have a wonderful summer! It is my favorite season of the year. Warmth, sunshine, long evenings…..sigh!

But, I am not going to let you off the hook yet! There are a few events and dates I would like to remind you of:

June 12 & June 13: Susan McKinney, the President of ARMA International Board of Directors is coming to the Pacific Northwest! She has made special plans to recognize two chapters in our Region who are celebrating significant anniversaries. What an honor! On Tuesday, June 12th, Ms. McKinney will be attending the Bellevue/Eastside Chapter meeting to recognize the occasion of their 15th chapter anniversary. On Wednesday, June 13th, she will be in attendance at the Puget Sound Chapter meeting in recognition of their 30th Anniversary. I hope you will consider attending one or both Bellevue/Eastside or Puget Sound’s chapter meetings in June if you are able. At each meeting Susan will be giving an educational session. She is a delightful lady and a great speaker. Watch for more information about Ms. McKinney’s visit at each of the chapters’ websites: and

June 22-23: The Great Northwest Region of ARMA Leadership Conference will be hosted by the Columbia Basin Chapter in Richland WA. This is a great opportunity for chapter leaders and general members to receive training in leadership skills, learn information about ARMA International – both from the Board of Directors and International Headquarters - and networking with other Board members from throughout our Region from Alaska to Idaho. If you have not received a brochure about this event, please contact your chapter President or myself and we will be happy to forward a copy of it to you. I hope to see you there!

October 7-10: ARMA International’s 52nd Annual International Conference and Expo will take place in Baltimore, MD. This is the premier educational event within our organization. If you have been to this conference before, you know what I am talking about. If you haven’t been, do try to get there. You will be amazed at all the things you will learn!

April 7-9, 2008: The Great Northwest Region Conference will be hosted by the Oregon Chapter in Portland at the Oregon Convention Center. Our Region’s answer to the International Conference is held every other year. Again, there will be excellent learning opportunities for a fraction of the cost of the International Conference. Save the date!

Sigh….well, I’m running out of dates and running off the page. I hope to see many of you at the upcoming events noted above. I thank each of you for being ARMA members and/or ARMA volunteers. Without you, there wouldn’t be, well, ARMA!

I hope you have a wonderful summer break!

Very truly yours,
Susan M. Lord, Manager
Great NW Region of ARMA

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