Friday, February 13, 2009

The Value of the ARMA Network - Resilience in a Time of Economic Changes

Greetings my ARMA friends!

I have been struggling with what to say that will help us build resilience and appreciate the value of ARMA during these times of economic struggles. It is difficult to remain optimistic when our training budgets are under the microscope and our jobs in possible jeopardy. The one thing that is a constant in this time of flux, is the support, networking and training opportunities you get from being a member of ARMA. The reason Dorothy and her friends made it to OZ is because they shared their fears and triumphs, stuck together and helped each other overcome the obstacles until they reached their goal. I know it is unsettling times right now both on a personal and professional level. It is during these times that we need to appreciate each other as we move down the yellow brick road. It is important to value and communicate our strengths as leaders in the RIM profession. I know for me, I always count on my ARMA network to remind me of the importance of our work and to feel a sense of camaraderie with others facing similar challenges. I think this is a good time to reflect on the ARMA International vision and values statement:

ARMA International Vision Statement
"At ARMA International, we recognize that information is a vital asset of every organization. Our vision is to provide leadership in education, research and networking for the benefit of information professionals."

ARMA International Values Statement

We, ARMA International, believe...
· That members come first in everything we do.
· In recognizing members and staff as partners on our team.
· In respecting each other as equals.
· In providing the right information to all requests at the right time.
· In affording members and staff the opportunity for professional development.
· In doing business with respect, integrity and professionalism.
· In actively soliciting and welcoming input from others.
· In the power of sharing what we know.
· That individual contributions are both valued and recognized.

We need to ensure that this vision is carried down to the Region and Chapter levels. I believe it is this philosophy that will bring us through the myriad of obstacles we face everyday.

There are things we can do as individual members to ensure we have strong and resilient chapters within our region. One is to look to your own chapter and help build the ARMA vision and values into its core operations and member activities. Each of you has unique RIM experiences and knowledge. When shared, it is like a ripple effect and soon you have a greater circle of knowledge and strength within our profession. I know I have said this many times, but the strength of ARMA comes from its members and their contributions.

In the next couple of months, each chapter will be planning to fill its slate of officers and directors for the 2009-2010 ARMA year. I hope you will consider looking to your chapter for ways to volunteer and extend that circle of knowledge. I know that our chapters are excited and pleased to welcome new volunteers to the various positions on their boards. I encourage you to think about the possibility of working for your chapter in that capacity. If you prefer a different way to support your chapter, you might think of either providing a program or sitting on a subcommittee within your chapter. I can guarantee that any support is appreciated by your chapter and its members.

Both Marc and I are looking forward to visiting each chapter in the Great Northwest Region during the next few months. So keep involved in your chapter meetings and events, think about what you can offer as a chapter member and hopefully one of us will get to meet you soon! Marc and I agree, one of the best perks of being a Region Leader is having the opportunity to know the ARMA members of our Region!

Have a great rest-of-the ARMA year!

Fran Blaylock
GNW Region Coordinator

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