Monday, November 14, 2011

Great Northwest Region of ARMA - December Message!

2011 December Great Northwest Region Message

Submitted by Peggy Striefel, Membership Director

Hello All

The Greatest Northwest Region has a valuable group of seasoned Records Management professionals with great hands on experience, college degrees, and/or CRM accreditation. Many have mentored the new recruits in their work place and their chapters, officially and unofficially. We would like to partner up our seasoned veterans with those that have questions or need direction on a specific project they do not have experience with.

If you are interested in being a mentor or need a mentor please go to the Region website and click on the link “Mentor Survey”. This will launch an email with some questions to get us started.

I remember how excited I was when I first started in Records Management. I had enthusiasm and wanted to meet everyone and learn everything. I still have that enthusiasm and drive, but the excitement is more focused now. I am presented with new projects and have new questions all the time. Sometimes the first person I ask a question of points me to another person and so on.

Someone recently expressed to a Region Leader that they didn’t want someone in their own chapter to know how much they didn’t know. To be sensitive to this, the mentor partners will be kept confidential and not advertised without permission from the participants.

I know this program can be a real success. Teachers always learn more than their students. This is an opportunity for everyone to increase their knowledge and skills.

I want to encourage everyone to save the date of the Region Conference being held in Boise, ID, March 12-13 with an ICRM workshop March 14, and the Region Leadership Conference being held in Richland, WA, June 8 & 9.

A Big Congratulations to all the chapter members for the many awards the Greatest Northwest Region won at the ARMA Annual Conference in Washington, DC, October 16th. It takes many volunteers to be successful. Way to go!

I hope you all have an enjoyable holiday spending time with friends and family. Time is the greatest gift!

Peggy Striefel

ARMA Great Northwest Region Site

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