Monday, March 18, 2013

Conference Education Monitor Applications, due April 17

Want to ARMA International, but can't afford the price consider becoming an Education Monitor!

Conference Education Monitor Applications must be received by ARMA International by April 30th. Prior to being sent in they need to go through two levels of review, one by the chapter president and the second by the region manger.

Here are the procedures from the Application process.

Application Procedures: All applications will be submitted to your Chapter President. The Chapter President will review all applicants from the chapter, comment on each, and forward them on to the respective Region Manager. If more applications are received than the number allotted, the Region Manager will submit recommendations with applications to the ARMA International Member Services Department for review and selection. If open positions remain, once the selection is complete, the reaming applicants will be considered. International Chapters should submit their applications directly to the ARMA International Member Services Department.

• Application must be received by ARMA International Member Services Department by April 30.

• The Member Services and Education Departments will make final selections based on application and recommendations.

• Applicants will be notified of ARMA International’s decision no later than June 1.

I would like to apply the following deadlines within the region:

• Applications due to Chapter Presidents no later than April 17th.

• Applications and recommendations from Chapter Presidents due to Region Manager by April 24th

• Region Manager will contact Chapter Presidents with questions, etc. and pass along final recommendations and applications to HQ by the April 30th deadline.

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