Monday, December 28, 2009

Region Message: We interrupt our regular programming to bring you this special news update

I remember the very special episode of Gilligans Island where they interrupted the radio programming (remember that old radio that the batteries never seemed to wear out?), to let the listeners know that Santa Claus had disappeared near the island. And next thing we know there is the big guy in the red suit, well more like a darker shade of gray depending on what era we’re talking about wandering around in the sand. I always found it interesting that Santa, being the jolly fellow he is didn’t offer the castaways..

We interrupt our regular programming to bring you this special news update.

This special broadcast is being brought you by ARMA International, we have some new procedures and policies in place we would like you to know about In case you didn’t know already, in October they moved to new offices. E-mail addresses and phone numbers are the same, just the physical address is different.

Two-Pay option plan for annual dues. With the current economic conditions and many employers no longer paying individual membership dues for their employees, ARMA is implementing an optional two-pay plan for members to renew their membership. This is the way it works:

1. A form will be included with annual dues invoices for members to complete if they would like to pay their dues in two equal payments.
2. The plan requires the dues to be paid with a credit card (or debit card with the Visa or MasterCard logo)
3. Members must provide their card information and sign an agreement allowing ARMA to process half the dues upon receipt and the other half 6 months later.
4. A reminder will be sent to those members participating approximately one month prior to processing the second half.

Charge for webinars. We’ve had some reports that chapter members have tried to access webinars at and found that there is now a charge for some of them. ARMA is indeed charging for webinars, this is due to a number of reasons including the reduction in revenues in todays economy. But the revenue that comes in from these charges will also be helpful in developing new on-line training courses which will benefit members at all levels.

Last, voting for new board of directors will begin in January. Please keep an eye on your mailbox (email or postal system) for ballots. More information including a recorded candidate forum can be found on the website at

Thank you, we now return you to our regularly scheduled program….

And that is why I think that it’s important to offer what assistance you can to fellow castaways.

Thanks and I hope you had a happy and safe holiday season!

Jennifer Winkler
Region Coordinator

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